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Draw Into Crime is an outstanding party and family game made all the more entertaining by top-notch components and incredibly well-crafted game play. Each round a different player serves as witness to a crime while the others attempt to draw the most accurate representation of the suspect based on details gleaned by interviewing that witness. Only a finite number of yes of no questions are allowed, so choose your questions wisely! Component-wise, the star of the show is the Book of Suspects, a 3-panel picture book that enables witnesses to generate up to 240 unique suspects by mixing and matching images of upper, middle and lower faces. Once all interviewing and sketching has been completed, the witness compares each sketch (without knowing who drew it) to the Book of Suspects face, choosing the one that most closely approximates it. The maker of that round-winning sketch earns one point, and the first player to reach three points wins the game! Includes Book of Suspects, 8 Pencils, 4 Pads of Paper, Line-Up Mat, Interview Question Tents, and Rules. For 3 or more players!